Olives: The Perfect Garnish for Your Hummus

Hummus is one of those foods which has fast become a popular choice of foodies around the world. With its origins in the Middle East, hummus has continued to draw the casual eater and those who eat with an eye on the nutrition profile of their foods. There are many ingredients which are added to the classic hummus to enhance its flavour and one of these is olives. Black and green olives are also a popular ingredient in the Middle East and their addition to the hummus makes it a win-win combination. Read on for some of the great benefits of the olives that make hummus so delightful:

1.    Olives are rich in antioxidants which play a vital role in keeping us away from the risk of heart diseases and strokes. Added to hummus, with chickpeas which are also high in antioxidants, the original olive hummus is a power packed food loaded with antioxidants.

2.    Olives are also a low-calorie food which means that when they are added to foods like hummus, they don’t pile on the calories and provide great taste. In fact, they even provide what is called a ‘negative calorie load’ which means that you burn more calories digesting olives as compared to eating them.

3.    Olives are also great for skin health and for preventing the signs of ageing. They are loaded with antioxidants as mentioned earlier, and also rich in vitamins E and A, which help in keeping the skin healthy and supple. Vitamin E keeps the skin moisturized while vitamin A balances the pH of the skin.

4.    Olives also have anti-inflammatory properties. Compounds present in olives prevent inflammation and keep away the risk of diseases like arthritis and diabetes.

5.    Olives are also an excellent source of fibre. Combine the high fibre content of olives with that of the chickpeas in hummus and you are in for a superfood that gives you a significant percentage of the daily fibre requirement of the body.

When you want to enjoy the goodness of olives in hummus, get yourself the original olive hummus from Earthmade Organix. Made with certified organic ingredients, the original olive hummus from Earthmade Organix is packed with authentic good taste. Explore the website of Earthmade Organix to get yourself the best of organic hummus and enjoy its authentic taste free from chemical preservatives and artificial flavours.


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